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coffee roasting machine

خلط أنواع القهوة لتحضير الاسبرسو

يعد مزج القهوة ضروريًا للإسبريسو لأن أصل القهوة الواحد لن يكون له التعقيد المطلوب.

من المهم أن تتذكر أن ميزة الإسبريسو مقارنة بطرق التحضير الأخرى تكمن في تكوين طبقة الكريما.

بدون الكريمة، سيكون الإسبريسو قهوة قوية.

الكريمة عبارة عن طبقة مستحلبة من الفقاعات الصغيرة الدقيقة التي تحبس مركبات النكهة.

تغطي هذه الطبقة اللسان وتنفجر هذه الفقاعات الصغيرة بمرور الوقت، مما يسمح بالاستمتاع بالإسبرسو لفترة طويلة بعد الشرب.

لذلك، تعتبر القهوة العطرية ضرورية لتحضير قهوة الإسبريسو بشكل جيد.

غالبية خلطات الإسبريسو مصنوعة من أنواع القهوة الأساسية من البرازيل وجمهورية الدومينيكان والمكسيك وبيرو وبنما أو أي أصل آخر يوفر نكهة غير غازية بينما يساهم في ثراء وحلاوة القهوة.

coffee roasting machine

roasting espresso

A small percentage of coffees from Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Venezuela are used to add body, acidity and flavor to the coffee blend.

Since these coffees are often highly acidic, they are used in small quantities.

To add complexity and brightness to espresso, Ethiopian Harrar, Kenyan, Yemen Mocha, Zimbabwean and Zambian coffees are used.

Ethiopian Harrar adds strong aromas of blueberries or raspberries while Kenyan coffee adds a strong burst of aroma.

To add body and richness when making espresso, coffees from Asia-Pacific are used, such as Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, East Timor, New Guinea and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe.

Yirgacheffe has a strong floral aroma.

Cup each coffee bean separately.

Record the aroma, scent, flavor, acidity, body and aftertaste.

Line up coffees next to each other to determine which coffee enhances the flavor of another.

Remember that blending coffee beans is an art and there are no clear rules for making espresso.

The goal of making espresso is to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts.

Start with sweet, rich Brazilian coffee(s) and add small amounts of other coffees.

Understand the flavor profile of your facility and understand your goals.

Ask yourself what type of coffee you can add to this mixture to achieve your desired espresso blend.

Note the change caused by the addition of this coffee and repeat with other coffee origins.

Then, try brewing 3-4 more types of coffee until you get the blend that has the flavor profile you desire.

After determining the type of coffee you want to use in your espresso blend, start experimenting with different ratios until you determine the best ratio to bring out the flavor, sweetness, and body.

momentum and aftertaste -desirable taste.

Experiment with different roasts of each coffee in the blend the same way you experimented with adding other coffees to a Brazilian base.

Roast the coffee a little lighter or darker than the other coffees in the blend and note the difference.

In general, it's best to roast each coffee separately until it reaches its peak consistency, then blend the coffee to create the most complexity possible.

Creating a delicious espresso blend isn't as difficult as it seems.

Within hours, you will have a delicious espresso blend that outperforms its commercial competitors for the simple reason that it is fresher.

Perfecting an espresso blend by adjusting the roast to achieve the perfect crema, flavor, acidity, body and aftertaste takes time and patience, but is a rewarding and rewarding experience.


It is often difficult to balance the bold acidity of an espresso with brighter coffee used to bring out complexity and vibrancy without roasting a second cup.

Therefore, a successful cup of espresso must balance this acidity by creatively blending the coffee rather than over-roasting the beans.

Don't roast your espresso more than halfway through the second cup of soda.

By not roasting too much, you'll preserve the delicate aroma and sugar of the coffee.

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