What does Rio defect in coffee taste like?
The Rio defect is a coffee associated to unpleasant medicinal, phenolic, and iodine-like notes
Why is Brazilian coffee so bitter?
The less fruity flavour profile and bitter notes sometimes present in coffee from Brazil is due to the higher caffeine content in Robusta beans, and the darker roast profiles that are more common with Robusta.
What are the environmental impacts of coffee production in Brazil?
In the realm of agricultural production, there exist two environmental problems of some significance in the coffee industry: declining fertility due to soil erosion, and the deposit of pesticide residues in the soil, water and coffee beans themselves. coffee eradication, resulting in uprooting 1.2 billion trees.
Arabica dominates both Brazil and the world as a whole with about 70% of the production; robusta accounts for the remaining 30%. In Brazil, arabica production is located in the main coffee-growing cluster of states led by Minas Gerais where arabica is produced almost exclusively.
It is worth to be mentioned that Rio minas is used widely in Turkish coffee.